Styled Inside Out


The definition of style is to design or make in a particular form. Synonyms are fashion, manner, mode, genre. More specific is the way in which something is said, done, expressed or performed. And yet another: the combination of distinctive features of literary or artistic expression, execution, or performance characterizing a particular person, group, school or era.

I have been told I have style. Fashion style. But I also hope I have my own personal style in how I behave, what I say and how I react. We all have our own idea of what our style is which may or may not be what other people think. Many times our lives are spent making sure we have the “right” style. Depending on where you live and what you do for a living that can mean just about anything. In more cosmopolitan cities, a large number of people live the style which seems to be dictated by newspapers, magazines, clubs, restaurants, etc. People determine their self worth by these offerings and make them so important they become their identity. If you ask them who they really are chances are they will tell you what designer or what restaurant they like. Someone or something else will be their way of expressing themselves. The importance of having the latest purse or shoes or the best table at a restaurant becomes vital to their happiness. Not because they enjoy it so much but because other people tell them they enjoy it by a review, status symbol or prestige.

How is it that some with little money can go to the discount stores and dress like a million bucks and others with a bucket load of money pays someone else to find their style? Is that from fear or insecurity or lack of self confidence? When did it happen that they didn’t think they had enough “style” to really say who they are? Relationships are built on making sure their partner relates to their style. That’s one of the reasons why they are attracted to each other. But then over the years each of their style changes and if it’s not in the same direction many times they go their own separate ways. The therapist will say they have stopped communicating but isn’t that really another way of saying they have gone out of each others style?

I challenge you to really look at what your inner style is and compare it to your outer style. Inside out. Are you really saying who you are by what you are wearing? Or are others dictating what you should look like according to your relationship, your job or peer pressure? And what does it take to show up to the person you really are and strive to be. Wear something underneath that business suit that really expresses the party girl in you and see how you act being the only one in on the secret. Lose those extra pounds and see how many “friends” tell you how skinny you are looking…

Style takes guts and joie de vivre!