
Yak, yak, yak.  Sometimes it seems that is what I’m hearing all day long.  Doesn’t matter if I’m in the grocery store, at work or alone.  There always seems to be chatting inside my head and around me.  Different scenarios come into play whether from disappointment, anger, jealousy or confusion.

I am trying not to engage in the rhetoric which seems to creep into my everyday life.  Someone does something that is inappropriate (according to whomever!) but seems perfectly ok with them.  I once did a film that involved a  despicable character. I asked the actor how he was able to play such a horrible human being.  He gave me a book to read with some very deep and moving essays.  I was shocked to find out they were written by Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini. Not to say I am looking to emulate their teachings!  God forbid.  My point is that when looking at your own perspective of things it seems you can justify any behavior.  I have come to always say to myself that I can’t control what is outside of me.  I can only control how I react.

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