
I was recently at one of the most beautiful weddings I’ve ever been to.  Can’t say I’ve been to many but this one was very special.  It wasn’t just because it was my son’s but because so much care was put into the entire event.  I say event because that is the best way to describe it.

When I first received the itinerary for the day’s schedule I immediately went to the place of “over the top”.  Being in the entertainment business I live on schedules especially when I am heading the department.  Every day seems like unending lists of what to do to make the day. So when I looked at the listing of the wedding day I thought it was a bit much.

Everything was planned to the minute including the sparklers at the end of the evening when the bride and groom left to begin their life as a married couple.  I have to admit I wondered if all of this was necessary in order to just “get married”.

Boy was I wrong!  It was exactly what was needed to make sure everything went smoothly.  Were there a few snafus in the day?  Sure.  But nothing big enough to spoil the beauty and happiness that was a constant.  The venue was magnificent, the bride stunning, the groom…(well perfection but that’s just me), the music made everyone just have to dance and the send-off (yes with the sparklers) was absolutely stunning.

I realized that I have become a cynic to a lot of things in life including rituals.  This day made me stop and think about how wonderful even the smallest detail can make such a difference in the way we live our lives.

That tradition is so vital in making me realize that nothing is corny if it makes you happy.  Nothing.  Kudos to all involved for making those traditions so poignant on such a magical day.

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