
It’s been awhile.  Actually it’s been months.  It’s my habit to start something, go full force and then life takes over.  But that’s the problem.  I let life take over.  I mean work life.  Too much work.  Not enough life.  I spoke to a psychic (I know so 2017) and she noted that the left (work )side of my chart was full.  Very full.  My right (fun) side?  Empty.  I mean blank.  Nothing. Nada.

I have been lots of places.  Seen incredible things.  Been with fascinating people.  But all for work.

I did go to Bali for a month to write a book and I decided that each week I would write a blog about anything that was happening and my perspective of what lesson I had learned.  It was all about taking me to a place of living life for me in whatever shape that was at the time.  But my life wasn’t ready for what Bali was trying to teach and I went off in another direction.

I submerged myself into a job that was ninety hours a week for a nine month stretch for three years.  It has enlightened me, exhausted me and tried me.  But it has also taught me when it is time to step away and find light at the end of the tunnel.

April is the magic month.  My new mantra. I will return to LA determined to smell the roses instead of being consumed with a new roof, retaining wall, fixing the cracks and God knows what else that comes with owning a house from the forties.

I will hug my family, kiss the kitties and sit on my deck with a beautiful cup of coffee or wine ( not necessarily morning or evening) and watch the sun set.  There is a big swing at the top of my yard where I will sit and remind myself that it is time to venture to the right side of my chart.  Join me. If only for a moment.

1 Response

  1. LeDiedra February 6, 2018 / 5:05 am

    I am so glad you are back Kris Evans. One day maybe you will rest yourself in New Orleans. Glad you are resting but sure would love to work with you again. One day soon 2018 goal.

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