
IMG_2617Moving has so many connotations in life.  Moving on, moving forward or  just plain moving.  Homes.  Or apartments in my case.  I had mentioned that I was living in a basement apartment and it wasn’t sitting well with me.  I finally found another abode and have to say it makes a tremendous difference in how each morning plays out.

Nothing is ever perfect and this place is no exception.  I took the apartment after looking at many places where, quite frankly, wondered if someone had died on the couch.   Mind you, everyone has difference tastes but then there is the fine line of wondering if anyone had lived happily ever after in the space.

I had certain aspects that were vital to making myself at home especially with the grueling  schedule I call my life right now.  I needed a washer/dryer in the apartment.  I know that may sound so superficial but when your weekends are so short the mere fact that you can do a load while plotting out your grocery list becomes monumental.  To be able to park your car inside in a city that rains at an ungodly rate becomes a special treat.  And to have a view where you can see trees, mountains, the ocean and yes even large apartment buildings feels like you have just hit the lotto.

I dreaded having to move as after even three months you acquire stuff you had no idea you had until you try to fit it into the suitcases you came with when you first arrived.  No small feat. Over the years of being on the road I have packed up my life and moved it for what seems like a long period of time.  My home is everything to me and becomes my haven to escape and recoup.  When most days are spent in a trailer working with non stop activity to come home to a place that is quiet and vacant is another gift in the world of on the road.

The few pictures and small mementos that bring my loved ones close to me has helped me to keep my life together.  The picture my two year old son in my arms on a beach in Florida or my mother’s silver rosary sitting by my bedside makes me feel connected to what really matters. Home.  Wherever that may be.




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